Tag: Emotional Support
Why “Happy Wife, Happy Life” Is Killing Marriages (and What We Should Be Saying Instead)
If you’ve spent any time around popular relationship advice or scrolling through social media, you’ve probably heard the phrase, “Happy wife, happy life.” It’s catchy, simple, and well-intentioned. On the surface, it seems to advocate for prioritizing your partner’s happiness—a noble goal in any relationship. But here’s the problem: this phrase is subtly, yet profoundly,… Read more
The Importance of Vulnerability in Relationships: Why Sharing with Your Partner Matters
In the world of relationships, vulnerability is often portrayed as a sign of weakness. Yet, it is one of the most powerful elements that can bring couples closer together. Brené Brown, a renowned researcher and author of Daring Greatly, describes vulnerability as the “core of all emotions and feelings.” When we allow ourselves to be… Read more