Education: Recommended Reads for Saving and Strengthening Your Marriage
Throughout my years of counseling, a few key books have consistently proven to be invaluable resources for couples seeking deeper understanding and lasting change. I’ve often recommended these titles to clients not because I earn a commission—I’ve never done this for the money—but because these books offer genuine, practical wisdom. As I’ve transitioned away from my practice, I’ve also removed affiliate links, but I still wholeheartedly believe in the power of these works to inspire growth and connection.
Each book below has shaped the way I approach relationships, providing insights that go beyond surface-level advice and diving deep into the core of what makes love work. Whether you’re looking to rekindle the spark, rebuild trust, or simply gain a better understanding of your partner, these reads offer guidance that is both compassionate and research-based.
Here it goes:
- Brené Brown – Daring Greatly: Focuses on the power of vulnerability and how embracing it can lead to deeper connection and intimacy in relationships.
- John Gottman – The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work: Offers research-backed strategies for building a strong marriage, emphasizing communication, trust, and emotional connection.
- Esther Perel – The State of Affairs: Rethinking Infidelity: Explores the dynamics of infidelity, emotional cheating, and the complexities of desire in modern relationships.
- Esther Perel – Mating in Captivity: Examines the tension between intimacy and erotic desire in long-term relationships, highlighting the importance of physical intimacy.
- M. Scott Peck – The Road Less Traveled: Discusses the nature of love and the commitment required for spiritual and personal growth within relationships.
- Gary Chapman – The Five Love Languages: Introduces the concept of love languages and how understanding your partner’s love language can improve communication and strengthen the relationship.
- Timothy Keller – The Meaning of Marriage: Offers insights into the spiritual and psychological aspects of marriage, focusing on commitment and selflessness.
- Elizabeth Gilbert – Committed: A Love Story: Explores the complexities of marriage and the deep emotional commitment required for a successful relationship.
- Naomi Wolf – The Beauty Myth: Discusses the societal pressures on women’s appearance and how these unrealistic beauty standards impact self-esteem and relationships.
- Journal of Family Psychology (2021 Study): Provides statistical insights into divorce regret and the reasons behind relationship dissolution, particularly regarding the concept of “outgrowing” a partner.
- American Psychological Association (2023 Report): Offers data on divorce rates and the common reasons cited for initiating divorce, including “lack of fulfillment” and “personal growth.”
- National Marriage Project (2022 Study): Examines trends in marriage and divorce, highlighting the long-term regrets associated with ending marriages due to temporary dissatisfaction.
- Many more. I will try to add references in the keywords of each article.
Thanks and have fun reading,